HephAudio v3.1.0
A cross-platform C++ library for recording, playing, and processing audio on Windows, Android, Linux, iOS, and macOS.
►NHeph | |
CArithmeticBuffer | Base class for buffers that store arithmetic types. Provides operations and methods for arithmetic data |
CBufferAdditionOperator |
CBufferArithmeticOperators | Arithmetic operators to the buffer |
CBufferBase | Base class for buffers. Provides basic buffer operations and methods |
CBufferDivisionOperator | / and /= operators to the buffer |
CBufferMultiplicationOperator |
CBufferOperatorEvents | |
CBufferOperatorResultCreatedEventArgs | Results of the BufferOperatorEvents::OnResultCreated event |
CBufferSubtractionOperator |
CBufferUnaryMinusOperator | Unary minus operator to the buffer |
CComplex | Struct for representing complex numbers |
CComplexBuffer | Buffer for storing complex numbers |
CConsoleLogger | Class for printing formatted messages to the console |
CDoubleBuffer | Buffer for storing doubles |
CEvent | Class for managing callback functions |
CEventArgs | Base class for storing arguments for an event |
CEventParams | Stores the information required to handle an event |
CEventResult | Base class for storing the results of an event |
CException | Stores exception information. Base class for exceptions |
CExceptionEventArgs | Struct for storing the arguments for the audio exception events |
CExternalException | Raised when an operation from an external library/API fails |
CFourier | Class for calculating FFT and Convolution |
CGuid | Struct for storing globally unique identifiers |
CInsufficientMemoryException | Raised when an allocation fails due to insufficient memory |
CInvalidArgumentException | Raised when an argument passed to a method is invalid |
CInvalidOperationException | Raised when an operation is invalid |
CNotFoundException | Raised when a search fails |
CNotImplementedException | Raised when a method or a class is not fully implemented yet |
CNotSupportedException | Raised when a feature is not supported on the current platform, environment, class, or method |
CSignedArithmeticBuffer | Base class for buffers that store signed arithmetic types. Provides operations and methods for signed arithmetic data |
CStopwatch | Class for measuring time |
CStringHelpers | Methods for string processing |
CTimeoutException | Raised when an operation takes too long to complete and reaches timeout |
CUserEventArgs | Class for passing custom data to the event handlers as key/value pairs |
►NHephAudio | |
►NNative | |
CAAudioParams | Struct for storing the AAudio specific parameters |
CAndroidAudioA | Uses AAudio |
CAndroidAudioBase | Base class for classes that interact with the Android audio APIs |
CAndroidAudioSLES | Uses OpenSL ES |
CAppleAudio | Uses CoreAudio |
CNativeAudio | Base class for the classes that interact with the native audio APIs |
CNativeAudioParams | Base class for storing the native audio API specific parameters |
COpenSLParams | Struct for storing the OpenSL ES specific parameters |
CWasapiParams | Struct for storing the WASAPI specific parameters |
CWinAudio | Uses WASAPI |
CWinAudioBase | Base class for classes that interact with the Windows audio APIs |
CWinAudioDS | Uses DirectSound |
CWinAudioMME | Uses MMEAPI (waveIn and waveOut) |
CArctanDistortion | Applies soft-clipping distortion via arctan function |
CAudio | Manages the native audio classes |
CAudioBuffer | Class for storing the audio samples in internal format |
CAudioCaptureEventArgs | Struct for storing the arguments for the audio capture events |
CAudioChannelLayout | Stores information about the channel layout |
CAudioDevice | Stores information about an audio device |
CAudioDeviceEventArgs | Struct for storing the arguments for the audio device events |
CAudioEffect | Base class for the audio effects |
CAudioEventArgs | Base class for audio event arguments |
CAudioFinishedPlayingEventArgs | Struct for storing the arguments for the audio finished playing events |
CAudioFormatInfo | Stores the properties of the audio signals |
CAudioObject | Stores information that's necessary to play audio |
CAudioPlaylist | Class for creating playlists. Uses AudioStream internally to play the files |
CAudioRenderEventArgs | Struct for storing the arguments for the audio render events |
CAudioRenderEventResult | Struct for storing the results of the audio render events |
CAudioStream | Class for playing audio files without loading them into memory. Reads the portion of audio data from the file just before rendering |
CBandCutFilter | Removes the frequencies that are in the provided frequency band |
CBandPassFilter | Removes the frequencies that are not in the provided frequency band |
CBartlettHannWindow | Generates Bartlett-Hann window |
CBlackmanHarrisWindow | Generates Blackman-Harris window |
CBlackmanNuttallWindow | Generates Blackman-Nuttall window |
CBlackmanWindow | Generates Blackman window |
►CChannelMapper | Remaps the audio channels |
CAudioChannelLayoutHasher | |
CChorus | Delays the audio data and changes its pitch periodically. Then mixes the result with the input signal |
CCubicDistortion | Applies cubic distortion |
CDoubleBufferedAudioEffect | Base class for audio effects that use a temporary buffer while processing |
CEcho | Adds echo to the audio data |
CEncodedAudioBuffer | Stores encoded audio data |
►CEqualizer | Adjusts the volumes of multiple frequency ranges |
CFrequencyRange | Range of frequencies with volume adjustment |
CExactBlackmanWindow | Generates exact Blackman window |
CFFmpegAudioDecoder | Implements audio decoding via FFmpeg |
CFFmpegAudioEncoder | Implements audio encoding via FFmpeg |
CFFmpegEncodedAudioBuffer | Stores the audio data that's encoded via FFmpeg |
CFlanger | Delays the audio data and mixes the result with the input signal. The amount of delay applied changes periodically |
CFlatTopWindow | Generates flat top window |
CFrequencyDomainEffect | Base class for effects that are computed in the frequency domain |
CGaussianWindow | Generates Gaussian window |
CHammingWindow | Generates Hamming window |
CHannPoissonWindow | Generates Hann-Poisson window |
CHannWindow | Generates Hann window |
CHardClipDistortion | Applies hard-clipping distortion |
CHighPassFilter | Removes the frequencies that are lower than the cutoff frequency |
CIAudioDecoder | Interface for the audio decoders |
CIAudioEncoder | Interface for the audio encoders |
CLanczosWindow | Generates Lanczos window |
CLinearFadeIn | Applies linear fade-in |
CLinearFadeOut | Applies linear fade-out |
CLinearPanning | Linearly increases the volume of one channel while decreasing the other one (stereo only) |
CLowPassFilter | Removes the frequencies that are greater than the cutoff frequency |
CModulationEffect | Base class for effects that use LFOs |
CNormalizer | Normalizes the audio data at the provided amplitude |
CNuttallWindow | Generates Nuttall window |
COlaEffect | Base class for effects that use overlap-add method |
COscillator | Base class for oscillators |
COverdrive | Applies overdrive distortion |
CPanningEffect | Base class for panning effects |
CParzenWindow | Generates Parzen window |
CPitchShifter | Changes the pitch without changing the playback speed |
CRectangularWindow | Generates rectangular window |
CResampler | Changes the sample rate |
CRmsNormalizer | Normalizes the audio data at the provided RMS |
CSawToothWaveOscillator | Generates sawtooth wave signals |
CSineLawPanning | Increases the volume of one channel while decreasing the other one (stereo only). Uses sin function to calculate the volumes |
CSineWaveOscillator | Generates sine wave signals |
CSineWindow | Generates sine window |
CSpatializer | Applies 3D audio spatialization using SOFA files |
CSquareLawPanning | Increases the volume of one channel while decreasing the other one (stereo only). Uses square root to calculate the volumes |
CSquareWaveOscillator | Generates square wave signals |
CTimeStretcher | Changes the playback speed of the audio data without changing the pitch |
CTremolo | Changes the volume of the audio data periodically and mixes the result with the input signal |
CTriangleWaveOscillator | Generates triangle wave signals |
CTriangularWindow | Generates triangular window |
CTukeyWindow | Generates Tukey window |
CVibrato | Changes the pitch of the audio data periodically and mixes the result with the input signal |
CWelchWindow | Generates welch window |
CWindow | Base class for windows |